What to Wear For Your Session

So, you have booked your photoshoot, set the date, gotten your deposit down, and are ready to go! Except…what are you going to wear??

This is a question that I get A LOT and even one that I ask when it comes time to get my photo taken!

I am always happy to go over outfit choices with you, text me pictures of your outfit, lets bounce around ideas, etc! But I wanted to make this post to be a starting guide to choosing an outfit to be preserved in your memories!

So without further ado, here are a FEW things I would consider when deciding what to wear to my photoshoot!

Does it Fit you?

With this first question I don’t mean is it your size (even though that is also important) but I mean does it reflect your personality?

For some people having their photo taken can be an intimidating task and wearing something uncomfortable, or out of the norm can make that feeling worse.

I suggest choosing something that is similar to what you would normally wear with a twist or added details to add some flare, but still make you feel comfortable!

Kirsten is a rancHER and also an influencer! These are 2 worlds that you wouldn’t think collide, but she does it so well. Her sessions are always so full of character. She has a confidence in her style no matter what she is wearing! She combines new & fun items like this hat with outfits she already has!

Colors, Patterns, and Textures

Colors, patterns, & Textures

When choosing an outfit for a photoshoot take into consideration the colors, patterns, and textures of your setting to help determine what outfit to choose.

Always be sure to get an idea of the setting your photos will be in beforehand!

For example, if you are getting couple photos in a green field, or a place with a lot of greenery, you may want to avoid wearing the color green as to not blend in (unless you are going for that look in which case have at it! haha)

Choosing colors that will stand out against, or compliment your surroundings will create much more interesting photos!

The same idea goes for patterns. If you know you will have a busy setting, try to stick with neutral and subtle colors and patterns. On the flip side, if you know that your setting may be drab, feel free to spice it up with some fun colors/patterns!

I have always heard “stay away from stripes” in photography, but I personally love vertical stripes for photos! I think they can draw the eye in interesting ways when done correctly.

Morgan Worsham